ARGOMARINE at the European Maritime Day

| 16 Maggio 2012

“Europe would not be Europe without the Sea.”

Jose Manuel Durao Barroso
President of the European Commission

On May 20, Europe celebrates European Maritime Day and ARGOMARINE, scientific project of the National Park of the Tuscan Archipelago, will be present in Gothenburg with the MedPAN (Network of Managers of Marine Protected Areas in Mediterranean See).


Established on 20 May  2008 (the day when, centuries ago, John Cabot sailed from Bristol in search of a new route to the west, Vasco de Gama arrived in India and Abraham Ortelius published the first modern atlas) through the joint signing of the three main European institutions (the Parliament, the Council and the Commission), the European Maritime Day was founded  to raise citizens’ and stakeholders’ awareness about the economic, environmental, social and cultural importance of marine in Europe.

Considering that 22 out of  the 27 Member States are coastal States or islands, that Europe has almost 70,000 km of coastline and that the EU’s maritime regions have 40% of population and GDP of the whole Europe, the EU has decided to “strengthen their capacity to cope with major challenges such as globalization, climate change, energy sustainability and environmental pressures on the coasts and seas” and to organize three days completely dedicated to raise awareness, to debate and to deeply understand Marine environmental issues.

During this event, ARGOMARINE ( will present its project as an example of how, with EU support to research and with a solid network of Parks, Universities and Research Institutes, it is possible to give a real contribution to the monitoring and preservation of marine environment that, even if recognized as precious and  with a fragile biological equilibrium, is too often scene of accidents such as the recent case of the Costa Concordia and of the toxic drums close to the Gorgona Isle.

The European Maritime Days will be followed on the ARGOMARINE Project Twitter channel @ARGOMARINE_EU, which is available to make questions or to contact the speakers involved in EMD.


Arcipelago Toscano alla Giornata Europea dei Mari


The speech of Argomarine coordinator Michele Cocco @ European Maritime Days #EMD2012


The presentation of ARGOMARINE Project @ EMD 2012


Category: News