National Research Council – Institute of Information Science and Technologies – CNR-ISTI (ITALY)

The Institute of Information Science and Technologies “A. Faedo” (ISTI) is an institute of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). The Institute is committed to producing scientific excellence and to playing an active role in technology transfer. The domain of competence covers Information Science, related technologies and a wide range of applications. The activity of the Institute aims at increasing knowledge, developing and testing new ideas and widening the application areas. ISTI is actively involved in collaborations with the academic world and in cooperative research and development programs, both national and international. The organization of the research work is aimed at stimulating flexibility and reactivity. The backbone of this organization is constituted by Research Laboratories and Technology Centers. The “Signals & Images” Lab is working in the fields of signal acquisition and processing, image understanding and artificial vision, high performance and distributed computing, real-time data collection and transmission.

The general goal of the Lab is to increase the knowledge in the above mentioned fields, in both theoretical and applicative contexts. This is achieved by studying and developing models, computer-based methods and machines for the formation, elaboration, analysis and recognition of images and signals, and by applying these methods and techniques to several sectors of the public and private society having strategic, scientific and technological interests.

Around thirty people are working at the SI Lab, both researchers and technologists and engineers, covering expertise in computers science, engineering, physics and mathematics.

The lab aims at developing its activities dynamically, fully becoming a part of the national and international, academic and industrial network in the field of automated vision and information technologies. Particular attention is paid to the most advanced research programs and high-level education programs, to the creation of new channels of technical-scientific and industrial cooperation, and possibly to the promotion of spin off initiatives.

People of the Lab have actively participated in several EU projects from the 80’s (both as partner and coordinator) (BRITE, ESPRIT, CRAFT, INTAS, FP4, 5, 6 and 7)