ARGOMARINE Final Conference: See all the presentations of the speakers

| 30 Novembre 2012

New strategies and technologies for the safety of navigation

in Mediterranean sea


See all the presentations of the events!


Opening Video – ARGOMARINE, 100 occhi sul mare

Political and institutional presentations

Opening Presentation – Giampiero Sammuri, President of PNAT


Ministery of the Italian Environment on ARGOMARINE – Massimo Avancini


The National and European policies for the safety of navigation in Marine Protected Areas

The National Antipollution Plan of the Italian Civil Protection – Franco Gabrielli, Chief of Department of the Civil Protection of Italy


Oil spill monitoring technologies: the EGEMP activity – Björn Baschek, Chairman EGEMP – European Group of Experts on remote sensing Monitoring of marine Pollution


Illegal oil discharges from vessels in the Mediterranean Sea: what is changed in these last 10 years? – Guido Ferraro  JRC – Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen and Olaf Trieshman, EMSA


The European Commition Frameworks Programmes for research supporting EU maritime safety – Maurizio Maggiore, General Directorate for Research and Development



Workshop: Scientific research projects and safety of navigation

The 100 eyes of ARGO – final results of the ARGOMARINE project – Automatic Oil Spill Recognition and Geopositioning Integrated in a Marine Monitoring Network

The ARGOMARINE MIS Marine Information System – Gabriele Pieri, CNR – ISTI National Research Council of Italy, Insitute of Information Science and Technologies


Towards a multipurpose coastal operational model for Oil Spills and the general public: the Tuscany archipelago case, Flavio Martins – CIMA – UALG Centro de Investigacao Marinha e Ambiental, Univ. Algarve



Area Access Surveillance Technologies – Stefano Fioravanti, Alessandra Tesei – NATO Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation


Remote Sensing Surveillance Technologies – Lia Karathanassi,  NTUA National Technical University of Athens and Mohamed Babiker NERSC Nansen Environmental Remote Sensing Center


European research projects on safety of navigation

EU-FP7-HOVERSPILL Project – Innovative system based on hovercraft specialized for high speed oil spill emergency interventions.

Marco Mastrangeli

MED_MEDESS-4MS Project – Mediterranean Decision Support System for marine safety

Michela De Dominicis

ITA-FRA MARITIME-MOMAR Project – Integrated system for the marine environment monitoring and control

Bernardo Gozzini


EU-FP7-SeaU – Multisensor satellite technologies for oil pollution monitoring and source identification

Gianluca D’agostino


EU-FP7_SuSy Surfacing System for Ship Recovery

Benjamin Hodgson



Category: News